It is not a well known fact that did you know eating a well balanced diet whilst you are still growing naturally is essential if you dont want to stunt your growth. Eating the right kinds of foods will mean you will be as tall as possible.
If your reading this you are most likely wondering how to grow taller, well there are three ways you could try to increase your height. Number one is exercise, by stretching you could try and decompress you spine and improve posture but results may take along time and are minimal. Number two is diet...eating the right foods...(only works if you havnt stopped growing alread naturally... and number three is by using height increasing insoles.. works straight away, quick easy and can make you gr
Well shoe lifts are more for people wanting to increase their height and heel lifts tend to be for more for medical reason such as leg length discrepancies but can also be worn by people wanting to increase their height as well!
Height increasing insoles offer the very best support for all! The insoles are comfortable to wear and will give you the lift you need to enhance  to increase your height and lift your confidence. Don't take my word for it though, AS LOADS OF PEOPLE USE THEM ACROSS THE GLOBE.
Height increasing insoles can be bought in a variety of different materials pick a material and design you are happy with. 
You can get expensive custom made insoles or the cheaper regular fits all sizes ones... you deicide!

Fits all sizes insoles cost around £10 per pair... Id say that's a bargain if it can really increase your height and make you grow taller!

Anyone who has stopped growing naturally should really try some of these shoe lifts.

Talking of growing taller have you read or seen rather the new truthaboutgrowingtaller website. It is full of facts and ways to increase your height naturally or by using these insoles. You can even read more about growing taller with height increasing insoles on the website.